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Welcome to the Live In Your Light Community! 

In a sea of “empowerment coaches” and online communities designed for Black womxn, it’s hard to figure out the difference between your next teacher and virtual squad and the next disappointing course (and likely big financial investment). Before you go any further, take a moment to read our Live In Your Light Manifesto. It’s our North Star that helps guide us as we literally get up each day and forge our own path. If any of it resonates with you, it’s because you’re in the right place. Welcome to our sisterhood!

Live In Your Light Manifesto

We believe…

We are creating an authentic, intentional, and engaging community rooted in the lived experiences of Black womxn.

We are unapologetically living in our light and release all of the people, places, and things that ask or require us to dim ourselves.

We deserve to get fully compensated for our work AND our worth.

We are each other’s loudest cheering section. We celebrate the baby steps JUST as much as we celebrate the big wins.

We speak life over each other’s dreams, even when the rest of the world can’t see them.

We are perfectly imperfect. We’re done hustling for perfectionism and our worthiness and stand in our light authentically and powerfully.

We don’t have all of the answers (and don’t pretend to) but we are hella curious lifelong learners, bookworms, and students of life. We’re proud to learn/read/teach others because that lights us up.

We believe in soul care over commerce. We legitimately care about you and aren’t out to get over on our community. We make a living by making a difference.

Here, you can learn to see the wolves of your life who have been hiding out in sheep’s clothing as well as your guardian angels.

We embrace uncertainty, the unknown, and trust the clues/breadcrumbs of life that help guide us on our path.

We celebrate each other daily and give other Black womxn their flowers while they can still smell them.

We believe that clarity, intuition, and speed to implementation are our superpowers and trust that we no longer need to overthink our brilliant ideas.

Here, we help you use your own superpowers every single day to create the life of your dreams.

We are brave and courageous (even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time) and put our art into the world, especially when we’re afraid.

We are wholehearted and in recovery from perfectionism, over-achievement, people-pleasing, codependency, positivity bullshit, and other toxic behaviors, patterns, and mindsets that no longer serve us.

We push past the boundaries of the impossible while paying it forward and lift up other Black womxn as we climb.

We are transforming our lives from the inside out.

We are living in our light.