Meet Rebecca
Hi, my name is Rebecca and I’m in recovery…
As a recovering perfectionist, people-pleaser, overachiever, workaholic, and professional box checker (aka go to school ✔, get a good job ✔, get married and have gorgeous Black babies (or in my case – not), I realized that I was doing every thing I thought I should be doing rather than what my soul was really calling for me to do. So after the catastrophic 2016 presidential election, I gave myself permission to…
– End a long-term partnership
– Quit my high powered, political, and six-figure “good” job (with the Blue Cross health insurance which was my families definition of success growing up in Detroit)
– Sold everything I owned, packed my life into a backpack and ONE suitcase
– Bought a one-way ticket to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
– Oh, and as if that wasn’t enough change at once, at 35, I came out (which was just as painful, comical, and transformative as it sounds)
My family was concerned that I was “setting my life on fire” and my friends called me brave. I didn’t have the language for it at the time but I just knew that I needed to get free from this gilded cage. And for once in my life, I gave myself permission to not give AF what other people wanted me to do. Over the next 6 months, I lived in and traveled to more than 15 countries across Southeast Asia and Europe and my life has never been the same..
Since then, (and three years BEFORE the pandemic) I’ve created my dream job that allows me to work from home in my pajamas with my dog Donny Hathaway, tripled my six-figure salary, buy my first home, and most importantly, has given me the FREEDOM and peace of mind to live in my truth aka live in my light. Now I’m on a mission to inspire, empower, and support other high-achieving Black womxn around the world who want the clarity and confidence to transform their lives from the inside out, monetize their magic, and live in their light.
In 2024, I received my Master’s degree in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics from the University of Maryland, Baltimore School of Pharmacy after experiencing an adverse reaction from edibles that turned my life upside down. Now, I’m especially passionate about helping high-achieving Black womxn safely incorporate cannabis into their wellness routines, eliminate the stigma, and liberating Black and brown people incarcerated for cannabis. When I’m not lighting up the world you can find me with a stack of books, taking a nap, hiking, or cuddling with my furson.
Official Bio
Rebecca Thompson is a Clarity Coach for high-achieving Black womxn and Founder of the Live In Your Light Bootcamp, a transformative 3-month personal and professional executive coaching experience for high-achieving Black womxn who want the clarity and confidence to transform their lives from the inside out.
She has traveled the world training womxn, especially Black womxn, to run for elected office. Rebecca also works with numerous local, statewide, and national progressive organizations focusing on leadership development, electoral politics, and civic engagement.
Rebecca got her start in politics at just 14 years old when she served as an intern for a womxn elected official in her hometown of Detroit. She has since served as a Vice President at Deliver Strategies, one of the leading progressive direct mail firms in the country, and as the RUN to WIN Director for EMILY’s List, leading the largest candidate recruitment and training program in the organization’s history.
Rebecca is a graduate of the Women’s Campaign School at Yale, EMILY’S List, VoteRunLead and numerous other leadership programs. She is on the faculty for the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and has been a trainer for ElectHer, New American Leaders, the Front Line Leaders Academy, and others.
Rebecca has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, and Essence Magazine and was one of the American Association of Political Consultants’ Top 40 Under 40 award recipients in 2018. She was inspired to create “Changing the Face of Power” – the first podcast in the country dedicated to inspiring black womxn to run for office – after losing her election for State Representative in Michigan by just 6 votes. She wants to teach Black womxn candidates everything she learned the hard way so they can run and win the first time. She resides in Baltimore, Maryland with her dog Donny Hathaway. Rebecca can be reached at

I’m on a mission to help high-achieving Black womxn transform their lives and communities from the inside out, monetize their magic, and live in their light.