This week’s featured guest Raeisha Williams is a candidate for City Council in North Minneapolis, MN. A millennial with a background in communications, Raeisha has worked for BET, TV One and CNN and has served as a publicist and marketing consultant. As a fierce advocate for social justice, she shares her story of how she now uses her expertise to lift up the issues impacting her community and why she’s working to change the face of power.

Meet Raeisha:
Raeisha Williams is a city council candidate in North Minneapolis, Minnesota for Ward 5. She graduated from Howard University with a B.A. in Mass Communications and has had successful careers as a communications specialist with television networks including BET, TV One, and CNN. Raeisha has worked as a publicist, marketing consultant, and community coordinator for nonprofits such as The ARC, DC Promise Neighborhood, and Metropolitan Regional Arts Council. Raeisha is a community and social justice advocate for small groups and recently completed a full term as the Communications Director for the NAACP Minneapolis Branch. She is the owner of a PR and marketing consulting firm with clients ranging from professional athletes like Ray Allen to powerhouse music producer Drumma Boy. Her company most recently created Twin Cities (Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN) public announcement campaigns for NorthPoint Health and Wellness and Clearway. Raeisha’s career in politics started while attending North High School. As one of the inaugural members of Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton’s “Mayor Youth Council” she learned first hand what diplomacy and political engagement entailed.
Stay in touch with Raeisha:
Website: www.raeishaforward5.com
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