This week’s featured guest is Misha Stallworth, a candidate for the Detroit Public School Community District Board. Misha’s journey as a candidate began in June 2016 when legislation was passed to end emergency management in Detroit Public Schools. With just 5 months to mount a campaign, Misha is running for one of 7 seats in a staggering field of over 60 candidates. In this week’s episode of Changing the Face of Power, Misha shares her story of how she’s building on her family’s legacy in Detroit politics and creating a name for herself.

Meet Misha:
Misha Stallworth’s run for school board began with legislation that was passed in June 2016 to end emergency management in Detroit Public Schools. She has a bachelor’s in research psychology from the University of Chicago and an MSW in Community Organizing from the University of Michigan. She is committed to the advancement of marginalized groups, especially youth and seniors of color. Misha currently works for the Detroit Area Agency on Aging as an Advocacy and Planning Coordinator where she works on policy, writes grants and develops strategic plans. Prior to this work, she facilitated youth empowerment groups, provided in-classroom support and after-school programming, as well as mentorship and tutoring in Chicago, Los Angeles and Detroit.
Stay in touch with Misha:
Website: www.mishastallworth.com
Twitter: @mishastallworth
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mishastallworthdetroit
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