As I write this Iā€™ve officially been living in Kuala Lumpur for 5 days. Iā€™ll spend the next 5 weeks here and will move on to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand in the next few months. In the weeks leading up to my ā€œbig leapā€ I was playing it cool but deep down I was scared shitless. I dragged my feet packing and selling my stuff because taking pictures off the walls meant I was actually leaving (sounds crazy I know). I was having meltdowns every few days (including one in the middle of JoAnne Fabrics with my cousin) and the worst one was on the day I actually left.

[Tweet “taking pictures off the walls meant I was actually leaving”]

Jeremy took me to the airport and came in to make sure I made it off okay and as I left to go through security we both cried our eyes out. It was like a bad rom com. Every time Iā€™d turn around heā€™d wave and then Iā€™d start balling again. The next time Iā€™d turn around Iā€™d wave and heā€™d be sobbing. The TSA agent asked me if I was okay and through my sobs I mumbled ā€œIā€™m moving to Malaysia and Iā€™m losing my shitā€.

[Tweet “”Iā€™m moving to Malaysia and Iā€™m losing my shitā€.”]

Once I made it through security I found one of those private bathrooms and cried like a baby. Like ugly cry tears from my soul balling. And then I realized that Iā€™d brought something with me for this very moment. Before I left my friend Brandi gave me a beautiful card filled with prayers and affirmations entitled ā€œBlack Magic Abroadā€:

1) I am protected by a powerful God and my ancestors everywhere I go. My belongings and I make it safely to each destination

2) Being black enhances my experiences abroad, I am welcomed across the globe with open arms

3) I bring beauty, love and joy with me to every country I visit

4) Everywhere I go I gain an insight, skill or relationship that exponentially enhances my life and my ability to share my gifts with the world

5) I can be my authentic self on any continent

6) Sources of abundance effortlessly flow to me, allowing me to travel without worry

7) Fun follows me everywhere I go!

8) I am a global citizen

9) I maintain self-care and self love while away from home

10) I am black Magic abroad, watch me SOAR!

[Tweet “3) I bring beauty, love and joy with me to every country I visit “]

I began reading them out loud and immediately started to feel better. I wiped my tears and reminded myself that I was stepping onto that plane to walk into my destiny. Thatā€™s something to celebrate! As the plane finally took off (on the first attempt we had to make an emergency landing and were rerouted back to Detroit) for Tokyo I put on my new favorite album ā€œWe Are Kingā€ by King. My anthems for this journey are two songs entitled ā€œThe Storyā€ and ā€œNative Landā€. In ā€œThe Storyā€ they sing:

ā€œTaking a journey to a land afar

Been thinking of charting my voyage to a different star

Got a story to tell

Goodbye, farewell

The ride is rocky and the road is long

But I know that my soul is never gonna steer me wrong

Gonna master the art of following my heartā€

One of the things I was most nervous about was getting around through the airports and to my hotels alone. As soon as I stepped off the plane in Tokyo I was filled with an overwhelming sense of knowing and a belief that I was going to be okay. I could literally feel it in my soul. In that moment for the first time in months I became excited about what would be the most amazing year of my life.

[Tweet “Gonna master the art of following my heartā€”]

Despite the jetlag from the 21+ hours of travel and the 13 hour time difference there are no words to describe what it feels like to be living out your wildest dreams. When I arrived at our co-working space Monday morning it hit me: Iā€™ve been working since I was 4 years old and for the first time I am my own boss. Earlier this week I woke up at 4am and worked 12+ hours without even thinking about it because I am doing what Iā€™ve always wanted to do: travel the world + train women to run for office.

I am meeting some of the most interesting people who also suffer from wanderlust and who were crazy enough to believe that thereā€™s more out there. These are my people and for the first time in a long time I donā€™t feel crazy for wanting a life filled with freedom, independence and joy. Everyday. And not just on vacation.
I am so excited about what this year holds. Even though I donā€™t have a roadmap I know for sure that my heart will never steer me wrong.