[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/changingthefaceofpower/Latoia_Jones_1.mp3 http://bit.ly/cfpLatoiaJones" title="CFP 024: LaToia Jones - Former Candidate for DNC Vice Chair, Washington, DC " artist="Rebecca Thompson" social_twitter="false"...
Some great tips here
You Don’t Have to Choose…
In 2004, when I ran for student body president I made a deal with myself that if I won the election I’d intern in Washington, DC and if I lost I’d study abroad in South Africa (either way that’d be a sweet deal right?). I won by just 32 votes and became the first...
CFP 023: Leslie Love – Michigan State Representative, Detroit, MI
[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/changingthefaceofpower/Leslie_Love_10-31-16.mp3 " title="CFP 023: Leslie Love - Michigan State Representative, Detroit, MI " artist="Rebecca Thompson" social_gplus="false" social_email="true" ] This week’s featured...
152 years and we still aren’t free…
The #1 reason more women don’t run for elected office is because of money: we’re too afraid to think about it and talk about it, let alone ask for it. But this isn’t just true for candidates. It’s pervasive in social justice work. I just finished reading “Secrets of...
CFP 022: Channel Powe-Elected Board Member for the Balsz School District, Phoenix, Arizona
[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/changingthefaceofpower/Channel_Powe_UPDATED_FINAL_Mixdown_1_1.mp3" title="CFP 022: Channel Powe - Elected Board Member for the Balsz School District, Phoenix, Arizona" artist="Rebecca Thompson "...

Eat Pray Self Love: How A Journey Around the World Helped Me Fall In Love With Myself Again (Plus A Personal Request)
Recently I’d been feeling down about being single and wanting somebody to enjoy this journey around the world with (I’m spending 12 months living in 12 countries across SE Asia, Europe and South America and am currently living in Phnom Penh, Cambodia). Last Saturday I...
Greetings from Cambodia + 3 Self Sabotaging Lies We Tell Ourselves That Keep Us Farther From Our Dreams
Greetings from my new home in Phnom Penh, Cambodia! I'm not sure I'll ever get used to saying "I actually live here" but I'm super excited about month 3 of Remote Year and exploring my new neighborhood! In this week's video I share greetings from my new home office...

Stop Being In Such A F*cking Hurry to Get Married (And Other Words of Wisdom for My Younger Self)
Today I’m celebrating my 34th birthday by taking a staycation in Vietnam: I booked a suite at a beautiful hotel on the river, got a massage and spent a ridiculous amount of time in the jacuzzi reading my little heart out. It’s been the epitome of joy (and today’s only...

If I knew my success was guaranteed I would…
I can’t believe it’s been nearly two months since I left for Remote Year (I’m currently spending a year living in 12 countries across SE Asia, Europe and South America)! Several times a day it hits me and I’ll think “I live in Vietnam - WTF”. Every single aspect of my...
CFP 021: Holly J. Mitchell, State Senator, Los Angeles, CA
[smart_track_player url="http://traffic.libsyn.com/changingthefaceofpower/Holly_Mitchell_Interview.mp3" title="CFP 021: Holly J. Mitchell, State Senator, Los Angeles, CA " artist="Rebecca Thompson "...
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Id mucius perpetua reprimique vim, cum ancillae nominati cu. Singulis moderatius accommodare eu vis, dictas referrentur est ex. Quem debitis erroribus ad per, zril nostro an eam. Quo ex nostrum intellegat.
Omnium verterem comprehensam te eum. Est ei mutat dictas vocen
Then there is all of this
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Bloom dainty transform sweet unexpected twenty floating. Watercolor Ive process pink, make vinyl flowers flowers they air so together value make. As of mood can, novel can of simply give back interesting give it. Whimsical feeling love moon by velvet inside.
Another fab offering….
Bloom dainty transform sweet unexpected twenty floating. Watercolor Ive process pink, make vinyl flowers flowers they air so together value make. As of mood can, novel can of simply give back interesting give it. Whimsical feeling love moon by velvet inside.