One of the biggest reasons more women don’t run for elected office (besides the fear of raising money) is because of the negative self talk + conversations we have with ourselves about why we can’t such as “I don’t have enough experience, people will wonder “Who does she think she is? Or what if I lose?”. In this week’s bonus episode Rebecca shares 10 ways to stop doubting your brilliance so you can run for elected office.

Meet Rebecca:
Rebecca’s mission (and life’s work) is to change the face of power by informing, inspiring, and supporting black women to run for elected office so they can fulfill their purpose and change the world.
She has traveled the world training candidates to run for elected office and is a graduate of the Women’s Campaign School at Yale, EMILY’S List, VoteRunLead and numerous other leadership programs. Rebecca is a national trainer for VoteRunLead and ElectHer, which trains young women to run for elected office. She also serves on the National Leadership Team of Political Parity, a bipartisan group of national women’s organizations dedicated to getting more women elected to office.
Rebecca was inspired to create Changing the Face of Power – the first and only podcast in the country dedicated to inspiring black women to run for office – after losing her election for state representative by just 6 votes on Election Day. She wants to teach women candidates everything she learned the hard way so they can run and win the first time. Rebecca is also a digital nomad who is spending a year traveling the world living in 12 countries across Asia, Europe, and South America in 12 months.
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