To say that I’m eagerly anticipating 2019 would be an understatement. This was definitely a growth year but despite how challenging it was, I know that Iā€™m better for it. Thereā€™s something about the promise of a new year. While I have no idea what magic 2019 will bring, what I know for sure is that I will follow what lights me up and stand in my light. But what does that even mean and how do you do it?

One of the most powerful books Iā€™ve read this year was Light Is The New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soulā€™s Callings and Working Your Light by Rebecca Campbell. Not only has it given me permission to stand in my light, but it’s given me the road map to do so.

Here are a Ā few takeaways and 6 ways to stand in your light in 2019:

6: Surround yourself with people who light you up: I recently discovered that Iā€™m an empath and finally sooooo much about my life makes sense. I can FEEL peopleā€™s energy and when someone has bad energy, I can sense it immediately. I used to ignore this feeling and continue to interact with people who I knew in my gut werenā€™t really for me, but I have learned that those feelings have power. Who are the people in your life who are draining rather than energy giving (I call these people energy vampires)? Send them love and light and then send them on their way. They canā€™t come with you in 2019.

5: You are NOT for everyone: For as long as I can remember, Iā€™ve been a people pleaser. Deep down I wanted everyone to like me and was low key offended when I discovered someone didnā€™t. But then one day I accepted the fact that Iā€™m a bit of a rare bird. Iā€™ve never fit in and Ā Iā€™ve always struggled to find my ā€œpeopleā€. Itā€™s taken me 35 years to realize that being different is a part of my magic. Iā€™m not everyoneā€™s cup of tea and thatā€™s okay. In the words of my personal anthem, ā€œthank u, nextā€.

4: Get in alignment: Deep down we all have dreams for our life that sometimes weā€™re too afraid to chase. Iā€™m convinced that our parents and grandparents meant well when they told us to ā€œgo to school, get a good jobā€¦ā€ but bless their hearts. Now thereā€™s an entire generation of us who went to school and got those good jobs (for me a ā€œgood jobā€ meant Blue Cross health insurance) and yet they are miserable. We are doing better financially than our ancestors wildest dreams, but still miserable. Youā€™ve heard me talk about abandoning my childhood dreams of being a fashion designer and my love of sewing. Iā€™m not quitting my day job just yet, but alignment for me means honoring my innate need for creativity every single day. I need it like I need sunlight and water. Without it I die a little inside but itā€™s taken me years to accept that. When Iā€™m doing something creative I feel inspired. When I feel inspired magic happens. What is it that your soul has been trying to tell you or is craving like sun and water?

3: Set intentions, not resolutions: A few years ago, I used to create these long list of goals every year because I thought I needed to. Not only did my year never go as planned, but I’d often be disappointed when I didnā€™t lose 30 pounds or buy that new house. Now, instead of setting resolutions or goals for the New Year, Iā€™ve set intentions. This creates space for the universe to take over (which has a much bigger vision for our lives than we could ever imagine). Instead of setting a goal to lose 30 pounds next year, Iā€™ve set an intention to feel better in my body and to drink water everyday. Or since I know Iā€™m not ready to buy a house yet (have you seen how expensive it is to buy a house in DC?!) how about I finally heal my relationship with money first? What intentions do you need to set for 2019?

2: Be the light, not the electricity: Maaaaaaaan, I canā€™t even tell you how much this spoke to me. Here I was trying to light up all these other people when I was actually burning out myself in the process. My only job in 2019 is to be the light, not the electricity for others. My intention is to help inspire other people to figure out what lights them up too, but I canā€™t do it for them. Iā€™m done thinking that if I just love someone enough or support them enough…Leaving that shit in 2018 too.

1: Invest in your soul’s growth: This year I came out of both the actual closet (that’s another email for another day) and the proverbial ā€œspiritual closetā€. Iā€™m embracing my journey as an empath (or highly sensitive person) and am learning how all of my sensitivities are really just superpowers that I havenā€™t given myself permission to use yet. For the past few months, Iā€™ve been devouring every book, article or video I could get my hands on to learn about these newly discovered gifts and how to use them. Iā€™ve also been working with an amazing coach who has been helping me share them with the world. Itā€™s one thing to discover your gifts, but another thing to know what to do with them. How are you investing in your soulā€™s growth? Who do you have helping you find your way?

My intention for you in 2019 is that not only is it your best year yet but that it is better than anything you could have ever imagined. But first, you have to stand in your light.

With love,

P.S. If youā€™re waiting for a sign from the universe to get some help making 2019 your best year yet, this is it. Iā€™ve just opened up a few more spots on my calendar this week and would love to see if weā€™re a good fit to work together. Click here to schedule a FREE 30-minute clarity call with me this week to explore one on one coaching.