Earlier this week I met up with my friend Brad who I hadnā€™t seen in a few months. The last time we connected we talked about his dreams of running for office and how heā€™d be launching his campaign soon. Just a few weeks after that meeting he shared with the world that heā€™d been diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer at just 35 years old. It shook me to my core.Ā 

Last year I had several friends who were diagnosed with cancer in their 30ā€™s including another who was diagnosed with breast cancer. One of the first things she said to me after sharing her diagnosis was ā€œIā€™ve never been in love and Iā€™ve never left the country.Ā If you know me you know I suffer from wanderlust. For as long as I can remember Iā€™ve had big dreams of seeing the world (Iā€™ve had an around the world ticket on my bucket list for years). After a difficult breakup last fall I started to wonder what the hell I was doing with my life. Seeing friends who were the same age fighting for their lives forced me to ask myself some questions:

– When do I feel most alive?

-When am I most happy?

– If money were no object what would I be doing?

– If I knew my success was guaranteed what would I be doing?

On a flight to DC a few months ago I saw a Facebook ad that read, ā€œDo you want to travel the world and work remotely?ā€ It was as if someone had gone into the deepest part of my brain because the answer was a resounding YES. I immediately sent my twin sister a text and asked, ā€œHypothetically if I spent a year traveling the world would you keep my dogs?ā€ She said ā€œNope, but that sounds amazing! Tell me more.ā€

A few days later I applied for Remote Year and made it to the next round. A few days after that I made it to another round and shortly after had a Skype interview. Each year hundreds of thousands of people express interest in the program and I had no idea how to make my application stand out. Before the interview I said a prayer and claimed a spot as already mine. During the interview I talked about how as a little girl growing up in poverty in Detroit I used books to help me escape my reality. Those books took me around the world and my very first passport was my library card.

While I waited to hear back I began to act as if my acceptance was guaranteed. Before taking another trip to DC I went shopping for a new suitcase. When the salesperson asked me where I was traveling to I said, ā€œTomorrow Iā€™m going to DC but Iā€™ll be spending a year traveling the world.ā€Ā I bought a new, lighter computer and started giving stuffĀ away. A few days later I found out I was accepted.

[Tweet “I literally spoke it into existence”]

Iā€™ve been sitting on this news for a few months and realized that as excited as I was about having the opportunity to travel the world deep down I was afraid of actually making theĀ leap. After spending the morning with Brad the other day (I wanted to see him before taking off for my trip) I asked him if there was anything I could send him or bring back the only thing he asked was that I live courageously (itā€™s also the name of a podcast he recently launched sharing his journey) and share my experiences with the hashtag #livecourageously. I said consider it done.

On January 27th Iā€™m boarding a one way flight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and will be spending a year living in 12 countries with 75 other people from around the world and launching my business (training women of color to run for elected office) full time. I recently quit my job and am selling just about everything I own. Iā€™m taking a leap of faith and chasing my wildest dreams. I heard a quote from Oprah recently that articulated EXACTLYĀ how I feel in this moment:

[Tweet “There comes a time when you know the place you are isnā€™t where youā€™re supposed to be.”]

For now, my time in Detroit has come to an end but it doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not coming back. Iā€™m open to whatever the universe has in store for me and canā€™t wait to meet my future self on the other side of the world. With just 2 weeks left before departing on this epic journey I wanted to share a few shifts that have helped me make this leap:

5) If thereā€™s a dream in your heart go do that thing: Trust me, it wonā€™t go away. The only regrets I have are travel related (I wanted to study abroad in college and do the Peace Corps but talked myself out of both). Youā€™re doing yourself a major disservice by denying what your heart aches for. GoĀ fucking do it.

4) Speak (and write) your dreams into existence: Last year (before even applying for Remote Year) started a new company called Rebecca Thompson International. I also began writing in my journal ā€œIā€™m the full time CEO of my own company. I travel the world training women to run for office. I’veĀ left my job at the end of 2016 to pursue my dream of building my business.”Ā Think this doesn’t work? I actually submitted my letter of resignation on December 21st.

3) You donā€™t have to know ā€œhowā€ youā€™re going to do it: Itā€™s your job to just decide that youā€™re going to do it. Let the universe figure out the how. Before applying for the program I had never even heard of Remote Year. While I dreamed of buying an around the world ticket I thought Iā€™d have to put the entire trip together myself. Now, for the program fee they handle all of the travel and housing arrangements. Also, within 24 hours of my acceptance I had more than half of the money for the program.

[Tweet “I literally manifested it in ways that I couldnā€™t have imagined on my own”]

2) Take inspired action: Vision boards are awesome (I have one for every area of my life on Pinterest) but whatā€™s really helped change my life is the action that I take every single day even when Iā€™m exhausted or donā€™t know what to do. For you it might be finally buying your domain name or publishing your website.

[Tweet “Even baby steps everyday in the direction of your dreams are bound to pay off”]

1) Live life with a sense of urgency: Why does it take a major diagnosis for most of us to finally start living our lives? Last year I decided to start living my life with a sense of urgency. Take that freaking vacation. Start that business. Run for office. NOW. Like youā€™re going to die – because you are. You just donā€™t know when.

If youā€™d like to follow my journey around the world you can sign up for updates HERE. In the next few months Iā€™ll not only be sharing insights from my trip but Iā€™ll also be writing more about the power of chasing your dreams and living the life of your dreams. I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure.Ā 

Now I want to hear from you. Whatā€™s one dream that youā€™ve been putting off going after?